Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Young Adult Science Fiction: The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

The book picks up immediately where The Maze Runner left off, in the middle of the night with Thomas struggling to sleep. After having a brief telepathic exchange with Teresa, Thomas eventually falls asleep and cannot get Teresa's calling attention. He wakes up suddenly to find victims of the Flare - severely mutated people called "Cranks" outside their barred windows, a hot sun beating down on the desert-like expanse outside. Thomas and the rest of the Gladers decide to investigate, finding the dead bodies of their rescuers hanging from the ceiling. They enter Teresa's room, which is empty, except for a boy that emerges out of the bathroom. Aris explains he is from Group B - fully girls except for him - and he can also talk telepathically. His telepathy partner, a girl named Rachel was killed in a similar manner as Chuck in the first book. Outside of the room is a plaque that says "Teresa Agnes. Group A, Subject A1. The Betrayer." An alarm, similar to the one on the Glade, goes off, and the room door locks until the alarm stops. Thomas opens the door to find no dead bodies. Even the plaque is changed to "Aris Jones, Group B, Subject B1. The Partner."

P5/ ebook
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